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Raise A Paw For Help

Staley is doing so much better and can walk without a limp again! Thank you so much!

— Matthew —

There’s nothing like the joyful swelling of a heart when you come home and your canine companion greets you with warm excitement and heartfelt barks. Each day, Matthew is greeted in exactly this manner when he returns home and Staley meets him at the door. For 10 years, this pair has been sharing in life, navigating the ups, downs and in-betweens!

After a struggle-of-a-year last year, Matthew also experienced a disability which no longer allows him to work. Thankfully, Staley has helped to keep his spirits up throughout this new challenge. So, in the Spring of 2021, when Staley began limping…it was Matthew’s turn to support his beloved friend.

After an initial exam with the Monterey Peninsula Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Center, Matthew was alerted to a fatty mass under Staley’s armpit. This mass had grown to a size which was limited Staley’s mobility and needed to be surgically removed. While living on a fixed income, Matthew was able to pay for the exam, but had no additional means by which to pay for the surgery. Being a responsible and determined pet owner, he reached out to Peace of Mind Dog Rescue and Max’s Helping Paws for assistance.

It was with gratitude to our donors Max’s was able to extend assistance for Staley to receive the needed treatment. With the mass removed, an overnight observation stay and medications, Staley was able to return back home to Matthew feeling healthy and happy with a slow return to full mobility happening once again. The shared support of owner and pet companion is a story which Max’s is grateful to witness every day…thank you for allowing us to support you Matthew and Staley!

About Our Veterinary Partner:

Monterey Peninsula Veterinary Emergency & Specialty Center is a well-established, 24/7/365, full service, state-of-the-art hospital which is known for providing compassionate pet care as well as for our highly experienced and well-trained veterinary team that possess the ability to provide a wide range of veterinary services in our all-encompassing facility. MPVESC’s many capabilities and service areas exemplify the versatility of our practice, and we strive to be as flexible and effective as possible in all that we do.



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