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Mighty Simba!

I was laid off in March 2020 and haven’t been able to get full time work since. Simba is suffering and I’m worried I’ll lose him.

— Isaiah —

A normally fiesty kitten, 6 month old Simba gave his owner Isaiah quite a scare when he began showing signs of illness. Isaiah described to us what was happening, “I notice my kitten wasn’t going to the restroom and I noticed he wasn’t as active as his siblings with loss of appetite. So my partner and I thought he was constipated just like another cat we have. When we woke up he wasn’t doing so great. His legs where shaking when he walked he tried to drink water but he would fall asleep or lay down next to the bowl. Simba would walk around the room squatting trying to go restroom but neither times was successful. Around 5:30 am we took him to the vet because he was looking worse and weaker. I was worried I was gonna lose him right then and there. So far I as knew, he hadn’t eaten or gone to the bathroom all day on January 20, 2020.”

This concerend family took action as soon as they realized something larger was going on with Simba than just an upset tummy. They described their experience with the vet, “Arriving at the vet we find out that he has a blockage of crystal causing a painful buildup and inability to urinate. Right now Simba is sedated with fluids, with a tube going inside to clear blockage. We are waiting for further notice, this is a serious matter our vet let us know. With losing my job in 2020 and only being able to find part time work here and there, we don’t have the money to help our beloved pet.”

With the loss of income due to COVID, Max’s Helping Paws was able to establish a Chestnut’s Crisis Fund especially for such families. Isaiah was one of many who experienced extreme financial hardship last year and Max’s was able to extend the assistance needed for Simba to continue his treatments to heal his urinary blockage. Simba was able to stay overnight in the hospital, receive IV fluids and medications which loosened the crystals and enabled him to return happy and home to Isaiah and his family once again.

About Our Veterinary Partner:

Pet Specialists of Monterey is the first to offer 24-hour emergency service and a surgical-referral clinic specializing in orthopedic and soft tissue surgery and internal medicine in this area. As a referral practice, Pet Specialists collaborates with other veterinarians – from San Luis Obispo to Santa Cruz County – to ensure the very best medical care for pets. The emergency facility accepts patients 24 hours a day, seven days a week.



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